Xolo Mariduena, known for his starring role in Cobra Kai, the Netflix series based on the Karate Kid, is playing the lead in the upcoming Blue Beetle movie states one reason he’s doing it is to show Hispanics can be super-heroes. The movie also portrays the military-industrial complex as evil white people. Finally, directing the film is a bigot Latino, Angel Manuel Soto, who wished President Trump assassinated and hates America.
I grew up loving fantasy and science fiction books, comic books, and movies. My love for comics was Spider-Man, the Legion of Super-Heroes, Tolkien books, Star Wars, Jaws, etc. Typical of most kids across the world.
If history proves anything, there’s a trail of failed “woke” movies.
- Ghostbusters (2016)
- Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
- Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
- Charlie’s Angels (2019)
- Men In Black: International (2019)
- Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
- No Time to Die (2021)
- Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021)
- Lightyear (2022)
- Strange World (2022)
- The Little Mermaid (2023)
- Elemental (2023)
- The Flash (2023)
These are merely a handful of “woke” movies that many consider box office bombs. The “Blue Beetle” will join that group if what Xolo states is indeed the goal.
As a Latino / Hispanic child, I and hundreds of millions fell in love with Spider-Man, but most forget why we fall in love with characters. Spider-Man was unique because most young males, through college, could relate to Peter Parker and his daily troubles, regardless that he was white. Another super-hero or anti-hero is Warlock, now gaining worldwide fame because of the “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchise. Brainiac 5 of the Legion of Super-Heroes, a nerdy genius, is another. Damn me for enjoying gold and green skin heroes over brown ones. 🤦🏽♂️
Millions of white, black, brown, yellow, red, and whatever color suits you loved them, not because they were white, green, and gold, but because we related to them in some form or fashion. We didn’t care that Peter Parker was white. His character and how they wrote him drew us in because we saw aspects of ourselves in him.
Do you know who our super-heroes are, Mr. “Hispanic?” It’s a universe we call Lucha Libre. That’s our world, baby, and if you don’t know that, you’re a fraud as a Latino, Hispanic, or whatever you choose to call yourself. I’m sorry, people. I don’t care for kids who don’t know how to wipe themselves but tell us what’s wrong and right and the lessons we need to learn. Lessons based on lies they likely learned from those who would indoctrinate us rather than teach us. If you’re wondering about the term “wipe themselves?” That means living life a bit before judging others.
Kid, instead of gaming as much as you do, read a bit. There’s a Wikipedia page with too many Latino super-heroes to list. Sadly, none excited me because I wanted to be entertained, not waste my hard-earned allowance on a comic just because it featured a “Latino” super-hero. That’s racism 101, only support those like you! However, what Latino kid didn’t love lucha libre?
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The first Latino / Hispanic super-hero universe comprised the Mexican Luchador “El Santo” and other “luchadors.” El Santo was in 52 movies, fighting aliens, vampires, and monsters. You could say he predated the super-hero universes that now dominate movies. I remember “El Santo” very well as a kid. He was the ultimate hero because he was on television, saving the world and entertaining young boys for years. I loved those flicks, but sadly, most aren’t memorable, but they did what they were supposed to do. Entertain a child.
While “El Santo” movies are not memorable, lucha libre is. Every Saturday morning in Colon, Panama, I would buy Marvel and DC comics because they were more entertaining. Still, I would watch lucha libre on the boob tube. While “El Santo” was the man, he wasn’t my generation as he was already too old, but lucha libre is generational. Some of my favorites: the STP man, the Mummy, and other over-the-top characters.
A week before he died, “El Santo” lifted his mask partially to great acclaim, as no one knew who he was. Yes, he was such an icon; he was buried with his mask on, with about 10,000 fans attending his funeral. Sadly, I find Xolo’s remarks disgusting because you can’t claim to be Latino or Hispanic and not know our history. Instead, his words show how much of an indoctrinated sheep he is.
Only an indoctrinated, ignorant fool would make such an untrue statement. Xolo strikes me as just another Americanized kid who has no clue about history and believes it starts with his generation. His ignorance is from an education system that no longer teaches but indoctrinates. Sadly, he’s a solid actor, and I loved him on Cobra Kai. Still, he should learn history before pretending to be an authority on it, and I hope he can mature into a critical thinker versus the sheep he’s acting like!
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