Conservative vs. Libertarians on Trump LP Convention Speech | EP 22

Fired up
Fired Up
Conservative vs. Libertarians on Trump LP Convention Speech | EP 22

The Conservative Latino, William Del Pilar, invited libertarians Tyler Collins (Chair, SD Libertarian Party) and Martha Bueno (libertarian activist) to discuss Donald Trump’s plan to speak at the LP National Convention. The show took a feisty turn as the panelists debated some core issues.

William Del Pilar, the “Conservative Latino,” offers a unique perspective on current issues and passionately discusses them. Nothing is off-limits when William gets on a roll, except for the poor devils caught in his cross-hairs.

From Liberal Savior to Conservative Latino | Fired Up! - Ep 21 mobile video link Rumble and Mobile users: click here to view video

00:00:00 Opening
00:05:56 Reasons Behind Trump’s Invitation
00:09:42 The Influence of the Mises Caucus
00:14:55 The Role of the Libertarian Party in the Election
00:38:05 The Impact of the Libertarian Party
00:50:49 Differences Between Trump’s Policies and Libertarian Principles
00:59:50 The Case of Ross Ulbricht and the Silk Road
01:10:04 Civil Liberties and Media Coverage in Politics
01:16:28 Exposing Government Corruption and the Need for Investigations
01:18:26 The Role of the Military and the Importance of Fair Trials
01:22:43 Demands for Trump: Ending Wars, Prosecuting Fauci, and Auditing the Fed
01:27:29 Perspectives on Open Borders: Free Market vs. Sane Immigration Policy

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