Big Questions with Big John – Jacob Hornberger, 2024 Libertarian Presidential Candidate

The Big Questions with Big John
The Big Questions with Big John
Big Questions with Big John - Jacob Hornberger, 2024 Libertarian Presidential Candidate

Big John has a conversation with Jacob Hornberger, who’s running to be the 2024 Presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party. Hornberger shares his libertarian beginnings, his perspective on the Libertarian Party’s present status, and his unyielding faith in freedom. Get to know Jacob Hornberger in this episode of The Big Questions!

The Big Questions with Big John is an interview show where our own Big John gets to have conversations with interesting people from all walks of life.

Big Questions with Big John - Jacob Hornberger, 2024 Libertarian Presidential Candidate mobile video link Rumble and Mobile users: click here to view video

00:00 Opening
00:02:30 The Road to Libertarianism
00:05:45 Impacted by the philosophical case for liberty
00:09:00 Winning elections is a means to Liberty, not the goal
00:11:00 The reason current LP messaging is ineffective
00:22:00 Does the LP constrain itself by targeting Republicans?
00:23:45 Reaching out to 50% of the “electorate”
00:25:50 Working with Spike Cohen on African-American outreach
00:29:15 Getting rid of economic regulations
00:32:30 Occupational licensing
00:38:00 The impact of free trade

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01:07:25 Age of consent
01:10:00 Abortion
01:15:30 Open border immigration
01:18:30 Silly Questions

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